Was This Year’s Election Fair and Honestly Won)?

This year’s Presidential election is five days in the past and Joe Biden has been declared the winner by most news organizations. Trump has not conceded and has numerous lawsuits in progress. Some states are still counting ballots. In short, it was another messy election season. I’m just grateful that the ads are done.
Oregon is a blue state and has been that way for most of my lifetime. If you’re not a Democrat, it can feel like your vote means nothing. The winner of the state’s popular vote gains all of the electoral votes. Most, but not all states, have a similar set-up. The rural population in almost all states vote Republican and most of the urban areas vote for Democrats. I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
The Dems want to change the system in several ways, in order to ensure certain victory for them. They want to eliminate the Electoral College and go to a simple nationwide majority vote. That reduces the need to campaign in or cater to smaller, more rural states like Wyoming or West Virginia. In lieu of that, they want states to be forced to give their electoral votes to whoever wins the popular vote. Same outcome. They also want to add more liberal seats to the Supreme Court, in case they don’t get their way and want that court to rule in their favor.
Does the GOP have a built-in advantage in the way the system currently works? I don’t really think so. Even if they do, that is the way the country was established and it shouldn’t be changed to hand the liberals the advantage. The Democrats have their thumb on the scale in many other ways. Virtually all the media is liberal, and stories are slanted to favor that viewpoint and their candidates. That is indisputable. Almost all of academia in colleges and most in high schools is also liberal, and and indoctrinate the young minds in the classrooms. Hollywood is the same, putting a liberal spin to most of their shows and movies. Big Tech is definitely liberal and is not afraid to silence conservative voices in every way possible. And so many of the people counting the ballots or signing up people to vote are Democrats, too. It only takes a little cheating to sway an election, which they are not above. It’s amazing that any Conservative can win office with all of these forces arrayed against them!
This can sounds like sour grapes, since Biden just won. I’m a registered independent and don’t care for Trump at all. But I did vote for him because the alternative was much worse. Biden is drifting into senility and is a puppet to whoever has his ear. Who knows what kind of deal he struck with Bernie Sanders to get his support! I don’t know anyone who actually voted FOR or likes Biden, they were all voting AGAINST Trump. I fully expect there to be a huge shove to the left after inauguration day. Transgenders using whichever restroom they want to. The borders opened to illegal aliens and Muslim terrorists. A ban on fracking. Supreme court-packing. Tax increases. A push to indict anyone and everyone who worked in the Trump administration. An increase in abortions, even after birth. A raise in minimum wage to $15 per hour. A nationwide mask edict. Defunding of police and military. More grovelling by the Democrats at the UN and World Court. Reparations to people who were never slaves or natives when Columbus arrived. Additional slamming of white males. And so much more.

One thing I don’t expect is, conservatives rioting in the streets and destroying businesses. That’s the province of leftists, when they don’t get their way. I expect an increase in corruption and cronyism. Hunter and Joe Biden will likely get away with the millions they received in bribes from Russia and China, with no indictments. The riots will not go away, because liberals enjoy destruction, not creating. The economy will tank soon, because of increased taxes and regulations. There is a housing and stock bubble that is ripe for pricking anyway. Unemployment will get much worse with a large increase to the minimum wage. Trump and the Republicans will be blamed for the crash when it happens. But not everyone will be fooled. And power will return to the conservative side, either in two years or more likely in four, when things get really bad. I hope for a better America, despite of who was just elected, but really don’t expect anything good. I wanted to do this post as a memory of my current mindset  that I can refer to in the future. Let’s see how good of a prophet that I am.

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