Rude Millennial

Sean arrived for a couple days at the campground. Long hair, scruffy beard, mid-twenties. He was ooh-ing and aw-ing over the big trees and the rushing river. He spotted a type of weed by the water and got really excited. Said it was edible and perfect flavoring for oriental food. He ate a couple leaves to show that they weren’t poisonous. I signed him in and pointed him to various trails in the area. In the late afternoon, he asked if he could shower in my shower tent, using his solar shower. I told him that was fine. When I came back later, he had tracked mud and pine needles all over inside and left a pair of dirty underwear. Thanks.
He came back over later and wanted to talk more. He is ultra-liberal and in favor of the riots going on. He seems the Antifa type. But had decided to go exploring in nature this week instead of protesting, for whatever reason. He works as a waiter in an oriental fusion restaurant that serves his favorite food, sushi. He forgot to tell his employer that he was taking a few days off and doesn’t know if he still has a job when he returns. I didn’t argue with him when he was spouting various liberal talking points, so he thought I was a kindred spirit. He said that we needed to exchange Facebook requests and phone numbers, before he left the campground. I didn’t say anything.
The next morning, Sean came over and said he was hungry. He didn’t have a cookstove or food with him. I should’ve told him to eat those weeds. But I’m too kind-hearted for that. I told him that I had eggs, instant oatmeal, bananas, tea, and hot cocoa for breakfast items. He told me that he is semi-vegan, so no eggs or hot cocoa. He hates all types of fruit. But was fine with oatmeal and green tea. The oatmeal had to be maple and brown sugar flavored. I had various types of organic oatmeal, including what he wanted. I boiled some water for him, and loaned him a bowl, cup, and spoon. He grabbed a packet of oatmeal and stirred the hot water in. He tasted it and made a face. He had accidentally used banana bread flavored oatmeal. I boiled more water while he stirred his tea, and made sure the next packet was maple and brown sugar. He mixed it with hot water and then said, oops he had added too much water. He hates runny oatmeal. I didn’t offer him any more oatmeal, so he tried to eat it. Said it didn’t taste right. Not enough brown sugar flavoring. He threw that out too and said he was going to the local restaurant for breakfast. I found the cup of tea barely tasted, after he left.
I washed the dishes and did some work around the campground. Sean came back after an hour and said that he had the best breakfast ever, the lumberjack special. That has fried eggs, bacon, ham, sausage, toast and jam, and hash browns. Semi-vegan, indeed! But he said he had broken part of one molar while eating it. He asked if I had any floss and mouthwash for him. I told him I had some little packages of floss and would get one for him. Another camper stopped me on the way to the van to ask a question. Sean couldn’t wait a minute for me, so drove off without the floss.
He had paid for two nights, but in different campsites. When he moved his stuff, he set up in the wrong campsite for the second night. Those campers showed up and asked why his stuff was in their campsite. I told them that I would move it to the right site, but they wanted to look at which other campsites were available. They choose another spot, so I was able to leave his things alone. My weekend started at 7 pm and I wanted to get up to Dome Rock before dark. He had not arrived back to the campground by then so I took off. Of course, I was so sad that we didn’t have the chance to say goodbye and exchange info. Not really. I did see him driving down the mountain, as I was heading up. He didn’t notice me. I fear for the future of America

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