
People can be creators or destroyers. They can contribute to the general good of society, or they can be moochers and just live off the efforts of others. However, there are people who go back and forth, between the two. Like a person who works most of their life, and then retires or ends up disabled. Or a drug addict who straightens out his/her life and become a productive person.
There are also scavengers and hermits. Scavengers can find value in useless items and in jobs that no one else wants. They operate on the fringes of society. They may do some good for the general populace, but are primarily interested in living lives that are free of interference from others. An example are guys who buy vehicles, fix them up, and resell them for a modest profit. Or people who collect mushrooms in the forests and sell them. Some do casual labor through Craigslist. They just want to have a low profile and earn just enough to get by comfortably. Hermits are loners and have little interest in others, only wanting to live with minimal human contact.

The word ‘scavenger’ sparks a different train of thought, in regards to myself. I was definitely a creator, earlier in life. Landscaping, nursery work, construction, and architecture were outlets for my creativity. I still go back and look at trees that I planted 30-40 years ago, and houses that I designed and built. I feel a flush of pride at much that I’ve accomplished in my life.
But after my Great Crash of 8-10 years ago; in which I lost my fiance, my house, my money, my 2 businesses, my credit rating, and much of my mental health; I’ve become more of a scavenger in many ways. My current goals are to survive and find modest happiness, without trying too hard. I have no interest in getting ahead, others than having a small emergency fund. I just want to skate on the edges of society, without the people or government taking a close look at me. I’m fine with doing dirty work at a small wage, if I’m not being micro managed.
In some ways, I’m scavenging from the wreckage of my life. My skills from a lifetime of construction and landscaping are still providing a little income. I’ve learned a lot from my mistakes of the past and at least attempt not to repeat them. A few possessions date back before the Crash; like my van, some books, some clothes, photos, etc. Most of my family and friends are still in touch, though most look at me differently. The moochers that I thought were friends, have pretty much realized that I have been picked clean and there’s no point in hanging around me anymore. And many of my thoughts, beliefs, and memories are being mined for this blog. Think I’ll change my nickname to sca-van-ger.

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