A Perfect Weekend

Sometimes, the forces align and the whole weekend is easy and relaxing. There are always some interesting people to chat with and good things happen. But this was the most smoothest and enjoyable weekend of the camping season, especially coming after the hectic Labor Day zoo.
A couple older bikers on Harleys arrived first, on Thursday. They looked kinda rugged but had expensive bikes that were fully decked out. Fun to talk with and respectful of camp rules.
Then a pretty young lady from the Philippines came and camped next to me for the next 3 nights. She was alone the first night, but her mom and several more relatives came the next evening. I think she was a little scared and lonely the first night. She got a big fire going and invited me over for food and conversation. I stayed for an hour or two. Her English was good, but her soft voice and accent sometimes made her a little hard to understand. When her relatives arrived, they were just as nice and kept offering me food. I loaned them several comfy chairs that other campers had abandoned, since they forget to bring any.
I’ve been fasting off and on, but this weekend was for food. 4 campers gave me meals that I couldn’t turn down. I received a breakfast of fried potatoes and eggs, with bacon and sausage. Got fresh tamales. Another camper brought tacos over. And I got talapia for another meal. I rarely get meat up here, since I have no fridge. So all those hit the spot! Then Trudy at the store gave me an ice cream sandwich. So my stomach was purring like a cat.
No problem campers, for a change. The bathrooms stayed clean, no one was loud, the campfires were within regulations, everyone paid for their site and extra vehicles without complaint. One father arrived with a preteen boy that had an attitude. The dad endured it for a couple hours and then packed everything and left. His car wouldn’t start and I gave him a jumpstart. He thanked me and insisted on handing me a $20 bill. I feel sorry for parents with kids like that. Adds a lot of stress to their lives. Maybe it was a good thing that I never had children.
My hours have been cut, so I did more reading, writing, and hiking. Still got all the necessary stuff accomplished, since the other campground was almost empty and took up little time. It sure is nice, dealing with less people and not feeling pressured to get too much done in not enough time. Life is good.

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