Meltdown On Labor Day

Have you ever seen a full-blown temper tantrum by a grown man? I have, several times, but the latest was on Labor Day. All the campers had left by the time the garbage man arrived. He complained about how horrible that people had been, where his wife is the camphost. He mostly blamed a large group of young Mexican men. He said they were loud at night, drank all day, threw trash everywhere on their sites, had huge campfires and pooped everywhere except in the toilets. Apparently, he hates all Mexicans, though, not just this group.
He had taken two large loads of trash to the dump already. Then he saw how much there was at my campground and flipped out! He jumped up and down, kicked the trash cans, and cussed at the top of his lungs. He said this was going to be the last day for him and his wife, and that I could report that to the boss. He loaded less than half the trash and left, saying someone else could get the rest. I slept in today and didn’t hear the truck, but all the trash had been picked up. Don’t know by whom.

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