What A Week!

It’s been a crazy week! I’ve been within 2-3 feet from a bear and a rattlesnake in the wild. The rattler scared me more, with it’s hissing, rattling, and big size.
My boss told me that I’m being cut to half time for the last 6 weeks, but can’t quit or I’ll lose my unemployment benefits this winter and can’t return to this job next year. My brakes are misbehaving again. The heat has returned. Some campers are being dishonest and/or stupid again.
My eye problem is getting worse but I don’t trust the local opthalmologist to fix it. Three laser surgeries and I still have the same original symptoms persisting. Black floaters, a flicker in my vision whenever I move my eye, and blurriness. Now, I’m getting bad headaches, too. I think I’ll try wearing a patch on that eye until I return to Oregon and try a different doctor. This one would not accept my insurance and is now attempting to charge me much more than what he said the bill would be.
My phone quit working entirely yesterday and I thought I’d have to get a new one. I went into Walmart and checked out their selection. A display phone had internet enabled, so I looked up troubleshooting for my current phone. It said to hold the up volume button and then the power button for ten seconds. My phone reset and works perfectly again. What a relief!
Some sketchy tweakers were parked at the laundromat next to my van, while I washed and dried my clothes. After I left and arrived at Walmart, I couldn’t find my wallet anywhere! I knew exactly where I’d left it but it wasn’t there. I tore the van apart looking for it and was about to call the police. Then I saw the wallet on the pavement near the van. It must’ve fallen off my lap or was on the step when I opened the door. I was sooo grateful to find it. Not just for the money ($160) inside, but also not having to report and replace all of my cards. Maybe I should apologize to the tweakers for suspecting they stole the wallet?
More stuff happened, but those are the highlights (or lowlights) of the week. I will survive, in spite of the stress. Hopefully the next week will be better. My mood is better already.

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