A Woman In Crisis

A story of a girl I met five years ago.

A few days ago, I stopped into a nearby bar-restaurant for their supper special. As it turned out, they were serving 25¢ beers in small cups. So business was hopping. A small 21 year old girl ordered her seventh beer at the same time I was ordering my food. I joked around with her a little and she told her girlfriend, “I like this guy!” She sat next to me and proceeded to tell me her life story for the next couple hours.
Turns out she is a motel housekeeper, on her third boyfriend, likes beer, and has two big crisis hitting her right now. The first was she caught her boyfriend cheating on her, again. She says she loves him deeply but she had came to the bar that night to cheat on him in return. She brought that up again several times but I just couldn’t be the one to help her out. Especially when she told me more about herself.
When she was three, her mom abandoned her dad and moved in with another man, eventually marrying him. This man had a son that was about 9 For the next twelve years, that son molested her. When she was 15, she finally spoke up and he was put in prison. After six years in prison, her step-brother is getting out next month. She is seeing his face everywhere, in her dreams and waking hours.
There is a lot more to her story. I met her a couple more times at the same place. Her problems started affecting her job performance and she got fired. Last time I talked with her, she said she was likely going to be homeless and sleeping in her car, soon. I gave her some advice on where to sleep and how to survive, if that does happen. Wish I knew how things worked out for her!

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