The Apex of All Evil

Abortion seems to be always in the news. Lately, the stories have been about how New York and Virginia want to abort babies after they are born, and how several Southern states have passed laws making abortion illegal after the baby’s heart starts beating.
Both pro-abortion (pro-choice is a false label) and anti-abortion people have never seemed farther apart. I’ve read the arguments for both sides. Using religion to “prove” that abortion is wrong, is only valid if everyone believes the same religion. Even then, people can twist or interpret their holy scriptures to mean whatever they choose.
But the pro-abortion crowd have an even weaker case. Logic tells us that a baby is a separate living human, even when still in the womb. If a woman says that it is her body, her choice; that is obviously false. If it was her body, she would die, not the baby, during an abortion. Some say the baby isn’t viable until birth, that it would die without help from someone. But that is true after birth, too. Infants or even toddlers can’t feed themselves or protect themselves. They can only breathe without help, that is the only difference between a baby born or unborn. So that is a false argument.
Abortion has become a sacrament to the left, part of the liberal religion. Even those who say that they could never have an abortion themselves, but support those that do, are being dishonest. Murder is murder, and those who support it are aiding and abetting.
I wonder if there will ever be a class action lawsuit on behalf of all the aborted babies. If successful, the financial repercussions would be enormous! Women’s rights activists are missing the point. They should be standing up for the unborn women’s rights, too.
Why is it that the same people who are so eager to put babies to death, are the same to stand up for convicted murderers, trying to prevent their death sentences from being carried out? The infants haven’t even had a chance to be good or evil, yet are sentenced to death. Again, those same people call for severe penalities for someone who destroys the egg of a bald eagle. A bird’s life is worth more than a human’s? And why is it that a person who murders a pregnant woman is charged with two murders, and yet a woman and her abortionist can kill the unborn baby and not be charged at all? That defies commonsense! Also, people get very upset when they see a pregnant woman drinking, smoking, or doing drugs. They say that will harm the baby. To be consistent, they shouldn’t care since the baby hasn’t been born yet. They say it’s not human until birth.
I do think that most who support abortion do so because they either haven’t thought things through logically or are blinded by liberal rhetoric. Many have never lived in a time without legal abortion and haven’t considered that it may be wrong. And still others are determined to do and believe the exact opposite of what conservatives do and believe.
Many pro-abortion voices say that it is necessary because no one would adopt the unwanted babies. They say to just look at all the unadopted children in America. To be truthful, it is the older children who are not being adopted. With the fertility rate going down and so many women waiting on having babies until it becomes difficult to get pregnant, there is a great demand for babies. The government puts up many barriers to adoption of babies and the legal costs can be astronomical. With over 50% of Americans having less than $5000 in savings and the middle class shrinking, those costs need to be slashed.
Others say that there is little financial support for unwed mothers. They say that the anti-abortion crowd should pay for the mothers’ living expenses, if they decide to keep the baby. It is true that it can be a major struggle, dealing with how to support one’s self, especially without help from deadbeat fathers. Birth control should’ve been used, by both parties, when neither is ready to be a family, financially. But there IS help available; housing assistance, food stamps, TANF, food pantries, religious programs, job assistance, tax breaks for child care and earned income credit, free school lunches, transportation vouchers, Medicaid, and so much more. Some women have the system figured out so well that they don’t even bother to look for jobs. But they do need to take responsibility for earning their own way eventually, not mooch off of society forever. That said, the anti-abortion side should show sensitivity and be willing to assist, without becoming a crutch to those mothers who are unwilling to support themselves when able to
There are some sensitive situations, when a person gets pregnant by rape, when very young, or has life-threatening complications. That is when hard decisions need to be made. The mother’s life comes first, if it comes to a choice between the baby or mother surviving. This is also a time when adoption should be strongly considered, if the mother is too young or unwilling to raise the baby. But the baby is blameless and should not be murdered for something that out of his/her control.
Abortion is a tough issue but frankly, should never have been even considered. When abortion was legalized, it opened a Pandora’s Box of sanctioned evil upon our nation and perverted the morals of those participating in it. It is a large part of why people have such an upside down moral and ethical code nowadays. Murder is the worst act to commit. When it is legal and accepted by the general populace, then all other lesser evils become acceptable, too. That’s why so many have become amoral, with only the fear of laws and penalties partially restraining them. I know that morals and ethics have usually been thought of, as being the realm of religion. But truly, they should debated from a scientific and logical standpoint, with full awareness of the damage done to the person, and society in general, if wrongful and horrific behavior, like abortion, is allowed to continue.
Murder IS the worst act that one can commit. But there are a couple things that could be considered even more evil. One is genocide, which is murder carried out on a large scale against a vulnerable population. The ethnic cleansing of the Yazids by ISIS comes to mind. The Holocaust is another. But the deaths by abortion dwarfs even those. Perhaps the worst evil is by those who not only carry out their abortion beliefs, but seek to normalize and keep legal such behavior. By justifying and supporting abortion, they become the apex of all possible evil.

One thought on “The Apex of All Evil

  1. After you’re dead, should the government be able to harvest your organs to be used for people that need transplants, even if you’ve specified (while alive) that you don’t want to be an organ donor after death?


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