Sam I Am

I was hauling a load of trash to the dump and noticed a van that was parked close to the campground. It looked like a hippy vehicle; an old Dodge cargo van, painted with psychedelic colors, bumper stickers everywhere, solar panels on the roof, big homemade cargo holders mounted on the hitch and on the roof. I considered stopping and saying Hi. But I was driving an official company truck and in uniform, so I thought the occupants might take offense to me taking an interest in them. So I drove on.
The next day was the beginning of company training classes. I headed down to the restaurant where the seminars were being held. That hippy van was parked there and I soon discovered it belonged to a lady that I’d be working with.
I introduced myself to Sam and got to know her a little throughout the day. She got permission from the boss to camp at my campground and followed me back up there that night. She is very outgoing and talked up a storm the next few days.
In many ways, she reminds me of Kim. She is very short, the most talkative in a group, quite energetic in spurts, has to take mood stabilizers, lived many years with an abusive drug-addled criminal, got pregnant easily and had five kids, gave up her first kid for adoption, tends to eat too much carbs (though she is working to break that habit), believes in astrology, has an autistic daughter, has pierced nipples (no bra and tight t-shirt clued me in), and has been on disability for years due to physical and psychological issues.
However, there are some major differences between them. They look totally different in features and body type. Sam finally got free from the abusive, druggie husband after fifteen years. She is more self aware and is working to improve herself. Sam reads some and is more intellectual. Kim never learned to drive, but Sam is a good driver. And she is 48, much older than Kim.
She told me right away that she has a new boyfriend in New York, who will be joining her after liquidating his possessions. She said he is somewhat similar to me, except he likes to play his guitar in his free time and I prefer to read books. They are going to live together some in her van. So she has to remodel it this summer to accommodate him and his things.
On the second day of company training, the boss pulled me aside and asked if I’d be willing to transfer to Wishon campground for the summer. I was polite but very emphatically told her, No way! I like the campgrounds where I worked last summer, way better. So the boss went to Sam and asked her if she minded working at Wishon instead of Holey Meadow. Sam is eager to please management and said, No problem. If she had known all the pros and cons about each, I think she would’ve chose Holey Meadow. I’m going to work here for another week and teach Sam a little about the job. I’m also getting a lot of the more physical work done, so Sam won’t have a rough start. Shoveling mud and rocks off the roads, cleaning fire-pits, and doing some repairs.
I think Sam will do well at her job, though she will likely have to curb being so talkative to campers. Otherwise, she’ll have a hard time finishing her work in the allotted time. I have trouble with that myself at times.
She has a pleasant personality and is easy to get along with. Some of her ideas about religion are a bit out there, and I would consider her more mystical than religious. She has a vlog that I plan to follow. Even though she has only been a vandweller for a year, her van is set up much better than mine. I can learn from her. I wouldn’t be surprised if we are still friends in the years to come. Time will tell.

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