Ocean Beach in San Diego

Ocean Beach is a kaleidescope of interesting people and weird experiences. This neighborhood is famous for its welcoming and laidback attitude, dating back to the beginnings of the hippie and surfer movements. There are hundreds of vandwellers, homeless, and travelers of all kinds here, at any given time.
I generally stop in for a week or two each winter. I park near Dog Beach, a place where dogs run free on the sand. I can watch them for hours. I see certain folk over and over. The legless man riding a skateboard everywhere. The Asian lady that walks her chickens on the pier each night. The old homeless guy that seems to live on the pier, always listening to a little radio (mostly talk radio or country music). A skinny homeless lady with huge boobs and no bra, cracked lips, and skin like leather. The Vietnamese woman who goes thru the garbage cans all day, looking for bottles and cans, and feeds the seagulls with the food scraps she finds. The punk backpackers who plug all the beach toilets with paper every day.
I’ve had many interesting chats here. With an Episcopal rector about faith versus works. With an ex-convict of 20 years who does drywall now and tried to get me to become his partner. With a guy who has been homeless for 30 years about the dangers of being around young homeless street punks.
I become a little different when I visit new places. My mind is opened more. I become less judgmental but more aware of dangerous people. This spot invigorates me and wears me out. I’m happy to come here and relieved to leave. Quartzsite Arizona is usually my next adventure stop.

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