
I think I’ve always been fascinated by apocalyptic predictions and stories. Used to often read the book of Revelations when I was young. Later I got into sci-fi stories of the destruction of Earth or its civilization. Then I became a fringe member of the survivalists movement, preparing for nuclear war, invasion, or America just rotting away. Even today I often pick up novels or nonfiction books that describe all the ways that things can get way worse for all of us.
That’s probably why I’m not that depressed about living in a van with virtually no savings. I had my own personal apocalypse several years ago and I’m still here, still curious about how it’s going to end. In a way, I’ve been preparing for this in my imagination since I was a teenager.
Tonight I’m doing two things; working on a realistic budget for the next six months as I travel, and reading a book about a superflu that could wipe out mankind. A glimpse into my twisted mind. Lol

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