How Long Can I Live This Way?

After 4+ years of vandwelling, I’ve fallen into a certain routine. Work summers, travel winters. I’ve worked different jobs each summer to avoid boredom. When you are tied to one location for 4-5 months; you better like the job, the weather, the area, the coworkers, etc. Or it’s going to be a difficult time to get through.

When I’m traveling, I mostly like to return to places that I enjoyed before and want to see again. There is a comfortable feeling about that for several reasons. I know how much time and money that I’m likely to spend there. I want to see what has changed and what’s the same. That’s because I feel like a part of that place and I want to see improvement. There are frequently people that I kind of know. And there is a certain uniqueness about each spot that draws me back. So it’s nice to make the rounds each winter.
I’ve been wondering how long I can continue this routine and still be content. I don’t often get bored with the traveling, but the summer work can be a grind at times. Sometimes I really regret how I lost my money and am forced to work. It would be so nice to only work when I want to.
But then I consider a couple benefits. I’m able to work much less than other people, even at the low wage I’m getting currently, and can live just fine, with much more free time. And I probably need a seasonal job to help keep me in shape and give some structure to my life. Otherwise I’d be little more than a bum, just drifting from place to place, and struggling to stave off boredom.
My physical health plays a role in how long that I can continue exactly like I’m doing. If I start having problems, I might need a different vehicle with a high-top or even have to live in an apartment. It would affect the type of job that I could do. Perhaps I wouldn’t even be able to drive anymore. Without savings or owning a home, my life could rapidly become a nightmare.
But why worry about something that hasn’t happened yet and may be many years down the road. I do need to build up a contingency fund and keep up on any vehicle repairs or maintenance needed. Or any other problems that might arise.
I’m living the good life, for the most part. Some people envy my free time and ability to travel to many places. But I’m living this way for both economic reasons and because I’m wired differently from most folks. Being on the road and living on a tight budget brings me contentment, if not outright happiness. So, it’s in my best interest to prolong this lifestyle as long as I can.

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