Size Matters?

The size of things tends to impress. I wonder why that is? A big waterfall draws more attention than a little one, even though they may be identical in look. A tall man is admired over a short one. A large house is usually prized over a small one. The mega movies make the most money over the lower-budget high quality ones.
I do get caught up in the large-is-better idea sometimes, but am realizing more and more the advantages and attractions of small. I’ve usually preferred smaller houses that are well made and organized. Bonsai trees can be more fascinating than the full size versions. Big vehicles mostly leave me cold, except maybe a larger van to live in. Smaller breeds of dogs are easier to deal with. I’ve even dated primarily small women. It would be nice to have a big bank account, but having a small net worth can keep the sharks away and assist you in financial discipline.
Animal activists tend to reserve their affection for the larger animals, like tigers and dolphins. When is the last time you heard of them staging a protest over the sale of fly-swatters? Or the killing of cockroaches? Technically, the Ebola virus is a living thing that scientists are attempting to eradicate. Why aren’t they up in arms over that? Oh, that’s right, it’s only the bigger critters that matter.
A guy’s large appendage can draw a woman’s attention, even though it may cause her pain, if used on her. Maybe women want to test their limits or be able to brag to friends. And I think there is an overemphasis on women’s breast size. Larger sizes catch the eye, but smaller ones tend to be prettier and are more than enough to satisfy a discerning taste.
How about the size of American meals? Are they something to be proud of? We are eating our way into bad health and unattractiveness. It is a struggle for me to stop at just enough, when I’m enjoying the food. But I’m getting better at that.
It’s time for a Small Is Beautiful movement!

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