Single-track Minds

It’s hard for me to be around people with a single focus in life. It might be their job, their kids, an addiction, politics, fashion, hunting, conspiracy theories, exercise, superhero movies, etc. Even if I have an interest in that particular thing, I don’t want every conversation to center on it. The person quickly gets boring!
I have to check myself occasionally, because some interests of mine can dominate my life. Right now, my job as a camphost takes up most of my time and mental energy. So, I talk primarily about that in my writings. Other times, I might focus on the homeless that I encounter, or places that I’m visiting in my travels. Or maybe a woman that I’m seeing.
But repetition turns people off, even if they like you. Soon, they will be avoiding you in person or ignoring you on social media. Where’s the anticipation and pleasure in your company, if they already know what you will be talking about? I have many acquaintances that seem incapable of talking for five minutes before their favorite subject comes up.
A laser-like focus can be useful for accomplishing tasks and goals. In fact, the people who are the greatest in the world at what they do, usually get there by concentrating on little else. But in normal life, it’s beneficial to let go and think of other subjects.
Please let me know if I’m getting repetitious and need to expand my interests. I am a big boy and can take it. If not, I’ll just take my toys and go home and I won’t talk to you anymore. 😉

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