Deep Thinking

I kind of regretted how I started this blog. First impressions mean a lot. An intro sets the tone for everything that follows. It would be nice to begin with something really deep and wise, like Thoreau’s first diary entry. “I seek an attic, the floor must not be swept nor the spiders disturbed.”

However I’m like most people and don’t meditate on the meaning of life that often. Most of my thoughts are trivial. I think about the weather and food quite a bit. I often worry about what others think of me. Money matters consume much of my attention. Thoughts of women fill my mind. I often have regrets about the past.

My best thinking seems to be when I’m driving in the nighttime, away from any cities. I seem to think the most clearly and deeply about life. I’m also the most positive at those times. Too often, my life is steeped in negativity, which paralyzes me from accomplishing much. But if others can surprise me with an occasionally insightful remark, perhaps I can impress myself by coming up with some wisdom. Just not today.

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